In the vast landscape of advertising mediums today, the primary challenge for a brand is not to get lost. It's the non-traditional approach to audience communication that allows a brand to stand out among its competitors. Our clients often ask us: Are there any non-traditional methods that would enable direct contact with the audience? Certainly, there are, and it's called BTL advertising.

BTL encompasses all activities that have a direct impact on the consumer. This enables broad coverage of the target audience and a significant boost in sales in a short period. This is the main advantage of this type of advertising. Additionally, when we talk about the effectiveness of BTL advertising, it:

  • Accessible to both large and small businesses
  • Enables clear tracking of advertising campaign results
  • Provides the opportunity to personalize communication, encouraging individuals to make purchases through direct interaction
  • It has a gentle impact on the consumer. The intriguing, non-intrusive form of campaign execution doesn't provoke irritation

BTL activities are selected based on the goals of the advertising campaign. Examples of possible communication methods include:

  • Thematic promo events: demonstrations, tastings, samplings;
  • Engagement activities: contests, giveaways, masterclasses, test-drives, promotions, including those within mass events;
  • Distribution of leaflets/flyers by promoters on the street or in indoor spaces;
  • Outdoor advertising on digital screens and displays;
  • Mass distribution among the target audience: leaflets, flyers, branded souvenir products, merch, and any other promotional materials;
  • Branded installations, brand zones, promo stands.
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