On the first day of summer, our team at LIMO implemented an exceptionally heartwarming project in Lviv. Why "heartwarming"? Well, our main participants were the little ones. The sincere and positive emotions of the kids were able to bring joy not only to the adults nearby but also to our heroes on the front lines.

"What can be more precious for everyone than a genuine child's smile? What else can inspire new achievements and victories more than the smiling happy faces of children?" – thought our team from the unconventional projects department. Hence, the idea was born: together with LIMO, organize a sweet celebration for kids on Children's Day and simultaneously thank our defenders for the peaceful sky.

To bring this to life, we engaged:

  • Three locations in Lviv.
  • 2 promoters in branded clothing with appropriately branded equipment.
  • A photographer.
  • A coordinator.
  • And, of course, a generous supply of delicious ice cream from the LIMO brand and a positive vibe.

During the event, children were invited to take photos, after which they were treated to LIMO ice cream. In the pictures, the kids conveyed greetings in the form of heart-shaped gestures to our defenders, thanking them for safety and a peaceful sky. After the photos were published on LIMO's pages, all participants could select their favorites and share them in stories with the hashtag #thankyouforapeacefulsky and the mention @limoicecream. Thanks to the executed campaign, the celebration succeeded not just by 100%, but by a whole 200%. And the happy satisfied faces in the photos are a vivid proof of that. With sincere belief in victory! Everything will be Ukraine!

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