Implementing advertising in the "Kharkiv" airport for NIX SOLUTIONS took a considerable amount of time and effort. However, the concept was worth it. No airport in our country has seen anything like it—a massive aquarium with exotic fish in the middle of the waiting area.

NIX SOLUTIONS has been a leader in software services since 1994, providing high-quality services and an innovative approach. The foundation for business promotion lies in using unconventional ideas. In 2020, the first dynamic backlit appeared in the Kharkiv airport for NIX SOLUTIONS. This time, together with our client, we decided to create an equally captivating advertising project that:

  • Showcases the creativity of the NIX SOLUTIONS team.
  • Has an image character and emphasizes the company's position in the market — "BIG FISH IN BIG TECH."

The entire production process can be divided into two stages. In the first stage, our team worked on creating the base, and in the second stage, the construction was assembled, and the fish were introduced, including quite valuable and rare species. It's an unconventional way to draw attention to an IT company but is quite effective. When the project was nearing completion, it already became a new star in the social media of Kharkiv residents and city guests. Every day, dozens of interested visitors gather around it in the main terminal.

If you find yourself in the "Kharkiv" airport, be sure to approach the aquarium. We're confident you'll get plenty of enjoyment along with new and unusual backgrounds for selfies.

Technical Specifications:

  • Dimensions: 3200x3200x3000 mm, width 700 mm
  • Shape: well with a cavity inside.
  • Estimated volume: 7000 liters
  • Aquarium material: 19 mm glass
  • Aquarium dimensions: 1 side 3200x1000x700mm, complex of 4 units.
  • Metal structure: lower part height — 1000 mm; upper part height — 1000 mm
  • Freshwater aquasystem
  • Basic biota filling: total quantity 72 pcs.
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