According to expert assessment*, over two-thirds of Ukraine's population currently resides in their permanent places of residence. If we exclude regions with active ground combat, the proportion of the population that has stayed in place or has already returned to their permanent place of residence is approximately 80%.
The current demographic situation in the country underscores the relevance of both broad regional communication and local communication in specific regions, provinces, or cities.
Considering the objectives facing your business, our team will assist you in establishing contact with the potential consumer audience, defining communication strategies, and selecting effective advertising channels not only in Kyiv but throughout the country.
✔ Railway Advertising.
Provides prolonged and relevant interaction with the audience moving across the country.
✔ Transport Advertising.
Facilitates communication with the city audience. Offers the opportunity to quickly deliver communication messages to a wide audience.
✔ Outdoor Advertising, including large formats.
Enables extensive and noticeable communication in cities across Ukraine. Large format equals a reliable brand.
Together with us, you will execute an effective advertising campaign in any accessible point of Ukraine. Your business should be known!
*Expert assessment by the Megapolis company based on data from Ukrstat, UNHCR, IOM.